
  • Brief

    To create a product and brand that enables a sociable method of self-discovery.

  • Goal

    To create a sociable method of rediscovering your true self by designing a product and brand that enables and encourages all forms of self discovery for individuals to do with others, leading to a more authentic life.

  • approach

    To create a product to be used and reused in multiple contexts, adaptable to the user and reusable in it’s purpose.

    My intention was to make something that triggered an ongoing thought process and stream of repeated thoughts rather than an experience/reaction that is limited to the time it’s in use.

a question a day lets curiosity play

I learnt a lot making mugs

clay mock up modelling, branding, photography, styling, graphic design (adobe creative suite), collaboration with illustrator, campaign strategy, podcast & radio recording, copywriting, influencer marketing, content creation…

as a form of promotion I designed and made a collaboration collection where i got to jump bacK on my sewing machine.